Lez Be Ann’s Podcast

Episode 9 - Trans women and trans gender people in the LGBT+ community with special guest Lady Jade Phoenix
In episode 9 we speak to special guest Lady Jade Phoenix about her life as a trans women, and the importance of inclusive LGBTQ+ spaces where transgender people can thrive.

Episode 8 - Non-binary identity within the LGBTQ community with special guests Egg and ‘Olly
In episode 8, Ana and Maryann meet special guests Egg and ‘Olly to discuss their non-binary identity within the LGBTQ community. We hear their journey of how they came to identify as non-binary, discuss what non-binary means, we learn how to use people's preferred pronouns, and ways that we can better support non-binary people in LGBTQ spaces.

Episode 7 - Interview with creators of Danny Boy the Movie
In Episode 7, we interview creator and writer of Danny Boy the Movie, Rochelle Payne, and director and co-writer, Veronica Fearon. Danny Boy is an LGBTQ short film created by and starring BPOC (Black People of Colour) to offer a more diverse representation of the lived experience of LGBTQ people in London.

Episode 6 - Lesbian motherhood with special guest Laura-Rose Thorogood
In Episode 6 we interview special guest Laura-Rose Thorogood, founder of the LGBT Mummies Tribe, about the road to motherhood for LGBTQ women. We discuss the journey of starting a family, support networks available for lesbian mums and mums-to-be, and Laura-Rose’s experience raising children with her wife in wider UK society.

Episode 5 - Top 5s About Being a Lesbian
In episode 5, Ana and Maryann look at their top 5 fives of being a lesbian. They look at misconceptions, pet peeves, things they love about being gay, and things they look for in a partner or a date.

Episode 4: Long Distance Dating
In Episode 4 we discuss online dating and long distance lesbian relationships. We look at safety precautions - whether you’re meeting someone for a coffee three stops away on the tube, or if you’re catching an international flight to meet someone for the first time. We also look at the transition for taking online dating offline to seeing each other in person, fidelity during long distance relationships, and countries where being an LGBT+ couple is more difficult.

Episode 3: Mental Health during Lockdown
In episode 3, Ana and Maryann talk to counsellor Sarah Kay about the challenges maintaining good mental health during lockdown and the COVID-19 pandemic.